mourning cloak butterfly

Harbingers of Spring

Spring! It’s the season when robins and red-winged blackbirds regale us with song and, in Ohio, when Hinckley welcomes back its turkey vultures. Who doesn’t look forward to the lengthening daylight and warming weather? But why wait for the robins…

Goldenrod gall in summer

The Gall of Those Goldenrods!

In late summer, at their colorful flowering peak, goldenrod (Solidago) flowers provide an important source of nectar for the late-season activities of butterflies, bees and wasps, flies, and other insects. But even in winter, when the plants have long since…

two adults and two children walking in Holes Creek at Grant Park

New Grant Park Master Plan Adopted

The Centerville-Washington Park District began work on the Grant Park master plan project in March 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, proposed community engagement sessions were modified to include an online survey and a virtual community meeting. The online survey…

red squirrel on log gathering material for nest at Bill Yeck Park

To Hibernate or Not To Hibernate

Squirrels are among the most recognizable local wildlife; they’re noisy, they’re active, and they always seem to be around. But there’s more than one way to be a squirrel! Squirrels are members of the rodent family Sciuridae, and our local…