yellow bellied sapsucker on a tree

These Birds Are Suckers for Sap

Southwest Ohio is home to seven species of woodpeckers. Six of those species—downy and hairy, red-bellied and red-headed, pileated and flicker—are year-round residents, and most of them are common in woods and neighborhoods and at feeders. But the seventh species,…

teenarger leaning on a rail with ocean in the background

Eshita Mantri

Eshita has grown up in three different countries! Her family moved to Centerville in 2008 and Eshita is now a junior at Centerville High School. She has been involved with the Centerville-Washington Park District for many summers, she and her…

bumblebee and honeybee by david goldstein

Some Like it Hot

Honeybees and Bumblebees Prepare for Winter Honeybees (introduced from Europe to North America in the early 17th century) and bumblebees (several species native to southwest Ohio, including common eastern bumblebees, golden northern bumblebees, two-spotted bumblebees, and others) have a lot…

Group of robins in a winter puddle

A Bird for All Seasons

October is a transitional month. With the recent passing of the autumnal equinox, the sun now sits above the horizon for less than half the day. And as autumn marches on, temperatures drop. Together, these changes impose challenges for local…

female tiger swallowtail on joe-pye weed

How the Tiger Changed Its Stripes

Tiger swallowtails are among the most recognizable of our local butterflies, maybe second only to monarchs. There are two reasons for this. First, with their large size and prominent pattern, their appearance is pretty unmistakable. And second, tiger swallowtails are…