goldendoodle in pink bunny ears

Eggstra Special Doggy Day

A dog-friendly egg hunt at Oak Grove Park! Join us Friday, April 11, from 5-7 p.m. at the Dog Park at Oak Grove Park for a dog-friendly egg hunt, fun dog-themed activities, giveaways and more! Zoom Room Dog Training (Centerville)…

Three children in the woods. They are leaning on a concrete block with leaves displayed before them.

Summer Camp Registration

Centerville-Washington Park District 2025 summer camp registration begins on Monday, April 14 at 10 a.m. for residents of Centerville and Washington Township. Nonresidents may register beginning April 21 at 10 a.m. To improve your camp registration experience, we recommend you…

Red-winged blackbird

Blackbirds Announce Spring!

Waiting for this moment: blackbirds announce spring Spring is coming; the signs are all around! Robins have emerged from the forest and are plucking worms from lawns and fields. Back in the woods, the year’s first wildflowers, like harbinger-of-spring and…