goldendoodle in pink bunny earsA dog-friendly egg hunt at Oak Grove Park!

Join us Friday, April 11, from 5-7 p.m. at the Dog Park at Oak Grove Park for a dog-friendly egg hunt, fun dog-themed activities, giveaways and more! Zoom Room Dog Training (Centerville) and PetSuites Dayton will join the fun! All event activities will happen right outside the off-leash area of the dog park, which will remain open for dogs to play.

The egg hunt prizes are specifically for dogs and will be available to participants while supplies last.

For their safety, children under 8 are not permitted in the off-leash areas of the dog park. Children ages 8 – 14 must be accompanied by an adult in these areas. Please review the dog park rules before your visit.

The Dog Park at Oak Grove Park is located at 1790 E. Social Row Rd.

Registration for Eggstra Special Doggy Day is not required, but is encouraged for planning purposes!

Register online >

Special Event