Special Permits
Commercial Filming/Photography Permit
No person or company may use the parks for commercial photography purposes, without a specific written permit of the Centerville-Washington Park District. Once granted, the permit is nontransferable and must be visible and in the representative’s possession while on park property. Payment must accompany the required application forms and certificates at least 10 business days prior to the intended filming/photography session.
Commercial Filming/Photography Request (PDF) >
Fee: $50, valid from date of issue.
Special Requests
If you wish to hold a special event (wedding, 5K, camp, tournament, etc.) in a Centerville-Washington Park District park, beyond which a shelter or fire circle reservation will accommodate, you will need a written permit. All Park District rules and regulations must be followed by organizers, volunteers and participants at all times. The permit does not give exclusive use of the park; therefore, the park must remain open to the public.
Special Event Request Form (PDF) >
Fees vary depending on the event.
Sport Field Use Policy
This policy is intended to guide the Park District in decision-making with regards to sport fields within its parks. Further, the policy protects Centerville and Washington Township taxpayers with a fair and equitable system to require non-resident participants of sport teams and organizations to pay a nominal fee towards the care and maintenance of the fields.