From its name, one might reasonably expect that the Carolina wren — Thryothorus ludovicianus — is a bird of the south. That’s certainly true in part; Carolina wrens are common in the Carolinas and across the southeastern US. However, these…
Red Hot: Dragonflies on the Rocks
For any animal, the temperature of its body matters. Bodily functions depend on chemical processes that are temperature-sensitive and on enzymes whose functions vary with temperature. For many simple systems, chemical reactions proceed more quickly at higher temperatures. For biological…
Grant Park Bridges To Be Replaced
In 2020, the Board of Park Commissioners adopted a new master plan for Grant Park, the largest park in the District. The master plan reflects a large number of passionate voices from the community. The recommendation for safe, reliable access…
Spider Silk: A Web of Intrigue
There’s something about spiders… Despite the numerous spider decorations that will appear on and around houses this October, spiders remain high on many people’s list of “least favorite animals.” Nevertheless, spiders have some amazing traits. They can travel hundreds of…
Oaks and wasps: One picture, so many questions
Go to relax under a spreading oak tree this autumn and you may discover a somewhat unwelcome surprise. That oak may be buzzing with large, black and white hornets. What’s going on? The answer is a bit complicated. But rest…
Thistles: Spiny, weedy—but invaluable
Complete the sentence, “Thistles are _______.” Weeds? Prickly? Bothersome? Invasive? A lot of the obvious choices to fill in that blank carry a negative connotation. And there are good reasons for all of those choices! Yet thistles also have substantial…
Grant Park Trail Work Underway
The Centerville-Washington Park District began work on a Grant Park master plan project in March 2020 and the Park Board adopted the plan in January 2021. Based on collective input from the community and in collaboration with park staff, the…
The Buzz About Bumble Bees
As pollinators of both crop species and wildflowers, bees are critical elements of Ohio’s economy and natural landscape. Our most familiar bees surely are honeybees, which were imported from Europe in the 1600s. However, Ohio also is home to more…
For a Million Bucks: Is That Your Final Antler?
Picture a white-tailed deer and chances are you will envision an animal bearing antlers. After all, a deer sighting may be charming, but if that deer is a buck with a large rack of antlers, the encounter becomes a “wow”…
May is National Bike Month!
We are lucky to live in the Miami Valley, a region that touts the largest paved trail network in the country! CWPD is proud to be part of this trail network with over 10 miles of multi-use paved trails for…