Looking for information about hosting an event in a park? Please visit our park permit page! You will find information about commercial photography permits as well.
You will need Adobe Reader to view the following files:
Complete this form to request and give permission to the Centerville-Washington Park District to administer medication to your child while attending a Park District program or camp. You must submit a new form each time there is a change in medication, dosage and/or a change in conditions under which medication is to be administered.
To provide the best possible care for your child, the Centerville-Washington Park District has adopted a policy for the administration of Epinephrine for children with severe allergies. The Epi-pen Document Packet (PDF) must be completed and returned to the Park District at least one week before your child attends a Park District program or camp.
If you do not wish to leave your child’s Epi-pen with them at the program, please complete the Epi-pen Guardian Waiver (PDF).
Please complete this form if you would like to set up a booth at any Centerville-Washington Park District program or event.
The Park District is recruiting contractual instructors in fitness, wellness and general craft/enrichment for all ages. Requirements include one year of formal teaching experience. Candidates with related training and experience interested in this opportunity should submit a résumé, cover letter, Program Proposal Form, and example outlines and/or portfolio items to program@cwpd.org or to: Attn: Program Instructor, Centerville-Washington Park District, 221 N. Main Street Centerville, Ohio 45459.
Plan a visit to the Activity Center Park sprayground with your group or daycare. Read the information, print the request form and submit the completed form to the Park District. This form does not reserve the park shelter.
Release form for participants in athletic organizations using Park District facilities.
Release form that can be copied into your document for participants in athletic organizations using Park District facilities.
Release form for participants in Park District programs and events.
Release form that can be copied into your document for participants in Park District programs and events.
The Centerville-Washington Park District delivers fun, healthy, and outstanding park experiences that connect the community to the outdoors. We hope to provide these experiences for all Centerville and Washington Township community members. Financial assistance is available for residents to participate in Park District programs.