Park Rules and Regulations: Welcome Letter

Dear Park Visitors:

Welcome to the Centerville-Washington Park District! We hope you visit the parks often and enjoy the many benefits available in the great outdoors!

In order to protect the parks and ensure visitor safety, the Board of Park Commissioners has adopted the following Rules and Regulations. It should be noted that all State of Ohio criminal and traffic laws are also enforced within the parks, and carry full penalty under Ohio Law.

We hope you will take a few minutes to familiarize yourselves with these rules and regulations, so that you can share this information with others. Together, we can make the parks the best they can be.

If you witness anything that presents a threat to the parks, wildlife, or visitors, please call the Park District or local law enforcement agency immediately. We appreciate your help in keeping the parks safe and enjoyable for all people.

Kristen Marks

Centerville-Washington Park District (937) 433-5155
Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office (937) 225-4357
Centerville Police Department (937) 433-7661
Emergency Response 911

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