Fungi Frenzy: The Hidden World Beneath Our Feet
All ages
Join us for an educational hike that delves deep into the forest floor into the captivating world of fungi and their vital role in the ecosystem. Bring your sense of wonder and a sturdy pair of hiking boots. Hike is on a natural path. This is a Tools to Trek program.
Registration deadline: Thursday, April 17
Fitness Yoga B Mondays
Ages 18 and up
Mondays, April 21 – June 2
You will get it all in one fitness class — a challenging workout, yoga practice, as well as mindfulness and functional movement for vitality and longevity. All levels are welcome. Taught by certified yoga instructor Dan Loofboro. Please bring a yoga mat and water.
Registration deadline: Friday, April 18
Gentle Yoga B
Ages 18 and up
Tuesdays, April 22 – May 27
Join us for a gentler, more adaptable yoga program. This class will feature additional guidance, modifications and props to assist in supporting postures and a slower pace. Taught by certified yoga instructor Kathleen Crosby. This is an eight-week session. Please bring a yoga mat and water.
Registration deadline: Friday, April 18
Amazing Athletes at the Park B
Ages 3 – 6
Wednesdays, April 23 – May 28
This program uses the fundamentals of 10 different sports to help build and develop motor skills, nutritional knowledge and body awareness. Sign up for both sessions and receive an Amazing Athletes t-shirt! Class is held outdoors when possible with the option to go inside for inclement weather. Please dress accordingly. Visit for more information on the Amazing Athletes program.
Registration deadline: Sunday, April 20
Fitness Yoga B Wednesdays
Ages 18 and up
Wednesdays, April 23 – May 28
You will get it all in one fitness class — a challenging workout, yoga practice, as well as mindfulness and functional movement for vitality and longevity. All levels are welcome. Taught by certified yoga instructor Dan Loofboro. Please bring a yoga mat and water.
Registration deadline: Monday, April 21
Wildflower Yoga
Ages 18 and up
Enjoy a relaxing evening of yoga while we watch the flowers bloom! Learn about our native ephemeral (short-lived) forest wildflowers after practicing breathwork, standing poses, flowing poses and ending with relaxation surrounded by the spring forest.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 22
Conservation Crew: Tree Mapping
Ages 12 – 18
Put your tree ID and measuring skills to the test! We will be entering trees into our database using tablets at Forest Field Park. No experience needed.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 22
Nature Fun: An Outdoor Family Storytime
All ages
Fridays, April 25 & May 30
Families are invited to join us outside to listen to a story brought to you by the Washington-Centerville Public Library! Participate in nature-themed activities following the story. Families are encouraged to bring a blanket to sit on. All sessions are Tools to Trek programs.
Registration is not required but is recommended.
Cue the Hue! Color Fun Run
All ages
Learn about some of nature’s most colorful and vibrant animals and plants. Visit color powder stations along the way! White/light t-shirt colors are recommended for the most vibrant results. Please be aware that leather and suede tend to stain with the color powder. LIZard Apparel and Promotions is generously sponsoring this event, providing t-shirts for the first 100 youth participants registered by March 30. Please register children individually.
Succulent Terrarium with Now and Zen
Ages 12 and up
In this fun and creative workshop with Now and Zen Terrariums, you’ll fill a beautiful 8″ round glass vessel with an array of succulents, cacti and embellishments to create a unique indoor landscape design. All materials, care information and a box to carry your project home are included.
Registration deadline: Thursday, April 17
Spring Into Archery: Family Battles
Ages 8 and up
Looking for some family-friendly competition? We will learn the basics of archery and will use the skills you learn in a friendly competition against your own family! Please register just one family member. Maximum four people per family. All equipment is provided.
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 23
Fin-tastic Adventures
All ages
Join us as we investigate the creek and explore the fascinating lives of freshwater fish. We’ll uncover their hidden habitats, witness their survival tactics, and discover the delicate balance of their ecosystems and their importance. Close-toed shoes are required.
Registration deadline: Sunday, April 27
An Evening at Camp A
Ages 6 – 12
Join us for an evening of all our favorite camp games, hikes and activities to celebrate the start of summer. Finish the night sharing your favorite camp stories around a campfire with s’mores. Both sessions (A and B) of an Evening at Camp will be similar, but, participants are welcome to sign up for both to get maximum camp fun!
Registration deadline: Friday, April 25
VIP Park Tour
Ages 16 and up
The Foundation for Centerville-Washington Parks is partnering with the Park District to host an exclusive VIP Park Tour of Grant Park. The tour will begin at the Kennard Nature Nook. Then, participants will drive their vehicles to the Normandy Entrance of the park for the second half of the tour. One registration per group.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, April 29
Birdwatching Walk
Ages 18 and up
Join avid birdwatcher John Kennard on a walk focusing on bird identification. Bring binoculars if you have them; a limited supply will be available to borrow. Hike is on a natural path.
Registration deadline: Thursday, May 1